Reliable LI has an unmatched variety of good-to-excellent quality used furnishings at prices that will enable your budget to go further than you ever thought possible.
We liquidate furnishings from major Bay Area hotels. When considering liquidated furnishings, it is important to note that:
- hotels replace their furnishings to be competitive, not because of wear; and
- used hotel furniture is always a better value than “budget priced” new furniture because it is built to a higher standard.
We carry furnishings for bedrooms, public areas, dining areas — virtually everything you’d expect to find in a hotel, including:
- Casegoods
- Upholstery
- Lamps
- Pictures
- Mirrors
- Linens
- Draperies
- Hair dryers, etc
Whether you’re furnishing your home, a vacation home, a rental property or your teenager’s dorm room — we may have just what you need. Here at the RLI Sales department, we’re like a permanent garage sale!
If you operate a Board & Care facility, hotel or motel, you’ll be glad you found us. We can provide the guest room furnishings, accessories, linens, drapes, and other needed items at low, low prices.